29 novembro 2005

The Man speaks

Morrissey 1

Saltando rapidamente a parte em que o gentil leitor se questiona sobre a presença de uma singela notícia sobre este homem neste espaço (porque ainda não percebeu o especial apreço que nutro pelo homem), vamos ao que interessa.

Morrissey edita, no início do próximo ano, um novo álbum. Chama-se "Ringleader Of The Tormentors" e sucede ao mui inspirado e propalado "You Are The Quarry", de que este vosso servo tem maravilhosas recordações, sendo a maior delas o espectáculo na MEN Arena, em Manchester, 12 anos depois de Morrissey ter actuado "em casa" pela última vez. Adiante.

Numa sessão de perguntas e respostas para a fanzine True To You que versou também sobre assuntos como o seu vegetarianismo, os pontos mais altos da sua carreira, as suas grandes referências musicais ou a importância da Irlanda na sua vida, Morrissey falou publicamente pela primeira vez com algum pormenor sobre "Ringleader Of The Tormentors" (produção: Tony Visconti). Aqui estão as perguntas e as respostas que lhe dizem respeito. Na língua original, para não soarem ridículas:

I think that Ennio Morricone is one of the great composers of our time. I regard the music to Once Upon A Time In America as a heartbreaking masterpiece. Is it true that Morricone has worked with you on your new album, and if so, how was it to meet Il Maestro and work with him?

Yes, the Maestro came into the studio with his orchestra and worked on a song called "Dear God Please Help Me" – which was very flattering because he'd turned so many multi-million selling pop acts down (I won't mention their names – U2, David Bowie, etc.), so I was delighted that he said yes to scruffy old me. In the event, he was very shy, and he was heavily surrounded and shielded, and there was no way that he and I would end up at the local pub playing darts. But – that's OK. Life's rich tapestry, and so on.

I am looking forward to hearing your work with Tony Visconti. At this time, is there more that you would like to share with your fans as to the overall sound of your new album?

Firstly, the musicianship is outstanding. Secondly, the songs are very strong, which is a great thing to be able to say this far down the line. We were all very unified – everyone gets on very well, we are all very close friends, and everyone works for the common good, and there is never anyone pulling away – as there has been in the past. So, this all helped to make the album as good as it is – and we all know it is the best. It is not a continuation of You Are The Quarry, and it has no links to the past. Tony has been a very uplifting influence – has done a great job as producer and I'm honoured to have worked with him. Marco Martin, who engineered, also played such a big part in the overall sound, and we're all eternally thankful to him.

Does the title of the new album, Ringleader Of The Tormentors, have a particular personal significance to you, and if so, what would that be?

Yes, but if I tell you what it is I might put you off. Patience.

De caminho, fica também o alinhamento de "Ringleader Of The Tormentors":

1. "I Will See You In Far-off Places"
2. "Dear God Please Help Me"
3. "You Have Killed Me"
4. "The Youngest Was The Most Loved"
5. "In The Future When All's Well"
6. "The Father Who Must Be Killed"
7. "Life Is A Pigsty"
8. "I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now"
9. "On The Streets I Ran"
10. "To Me You Are A Work Of Art"
11. "I Just Want To See The Boy Happy"
12. "At Last I Am Born"

Mas isto pode ser do meu ouvido, que é 1 pouco mouco.

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